
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Never Say Never : Justin Bieber 3D movie

I'm not a big fan of Bieber. But I have to watch this movie. I've never watched a concert filmed in a movie before. I only watch something like that in DVD because in Indonesia they don't release Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers 3D concert in movies. So it's my chance to watch it in 3D. Besides there will be Miley Cyrus as a guest star in it. So, what's the reason not to watch it? Wait until Valentine's Day 2011.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Plan B

Do you know what Plan B is? Plan B is a plan that we have in case our first plan doesn't work out. Some people know it as the back-up plan. But I prefer to call it Plan B. I think it's important for us to always have Plan B. Actually I got the idea to wrote this from Vampire Diaries. When I watched an episode called Plan B, there's a quote that I like.

“Do you honestly believe that I don’t have a Plan B? And if that fails, a Plan C? Then a Plan D, and … you know how the alphabet works, don’t you?”

-Katherine to Damon on her many master plans

I think we must have plan B for our selves. The most important plan B that we must have is the plan B for our future. For example, I have a dream to move to US, study in university there, get graduated, then work there as an architect or creative designer. It sounds so good and perfect. But how if my plan doesn't work out well? How if there's something that makes me can't go? This is why we all need Plan B. In my case, I have to prepare the Plan B. If in the future I can't be an architect for a reason, I don't need to worry because I still have that plan B. For example, my plan B is working in Indonesia as an architect for a few years, then I'm gonna make some money then use the money to go to US then I will continue my first plan. But I still have plan C, plan D, and you know how the alphabet works. So, there's a lot of plans that I have in case my first plan doesn't work. 

Plan B is important. Sometimes we're too busy with our first plan, then after we fail on the first plan, we don't have anything left. We become so disappointed and we're afraid to move on. We don't know what to do because we are too busy with our first plan. So this is why we need plan B. If we fail on our first plan, we still have a another plan. It doesn't mean we don't focus to our first plan. It's just we have to prepare a back up plan so we still have something to do.

Some people say it's useless to have a plan B. Maybe it''s true. Sometimes it's better to let the life flows and see where things are going. It works for some people. Sometimes I do that too. I let things go. But for some reasons, I still believe that plan B is needed. Especially for our future. But, you don't need to think too much about plan B. Just plan it easily and don't spend to much time worrying your plan B. Remember, it's just a plan B. Plan A always comes first, so prepare it better than plan B. It's just you have to prepare the plan B after you have the Plan A. Get it? So what's your plan B for the future?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things that I need and I want

Okay, here are some things that I really need. What I really want isn't what I really need. Sometimes I just want something, but I don't need it. Sometimes I need something that I don't really want. It's a little bit confusing but that's the truth.

Things that I need :

A lot of things is on my mind right now. There are so many problems lately, but the problems don't come from the outside. It's from the inside. So it's hard to avoid it and let it go. I need a big distraction so I can get over it, forget it, it won't be a problem and I can move on. Maybe the distraction can be a vacation to somewhere for a few days. I really need that right now.

Yes, I need to do some sports. Haven't done it since I entered university. In high school I usually got it every week but now I don't. So I guess I have to do it myself. But there isn't always much time to do it. I want to go swimming!!!

It's a tool to make transaction on BCA account via internet. If I don't have this, I can't send money via online. So, I think having this will make it easy. But, the thing is I have to go there by myself to BCA to ask the key. And banks are open only in business days until afternoon while I have to go to  campus. 

Things that I want :

I want this so bad. I guess I just want to have an Apple product. But I think iPod touch is a good gadget if I'm in the middle of waiting for something and get bored. So I can listen to the songs, play games, or another entertainment that iTouch has.

I want new Converse sneakers. The one with a different color. Not a black one like I have before. I know it seems useless but I think I really want it.

There are 2 books I want to buy. All by Robert Kiyosaki. It's Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens and Rich Dad Poor Dad Success Stories. I guess I will buy these books by online since I couldn't find it in any local bookstore. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another week

I've been so bored lately. Life goes. I go to campus, go home, finish my homework, browsing internet, and go sleep. Most of the time. And it bores me out. Life's good. But sometimes all you need is a little adventures. I like adventures, I like challenge. What I mean adventures isn't like climbing on a mountain or something like that. It's just something new that I want to try. Maybe drink a little beer so finally I will know how it tastes, because I'm always curious on that. Anyway, life's good. It's just a little boring here. I guess I want more high school moment. But if you ask me to go back to high school, I will say NO. High school is good, but there are times when we have to face the future and let something go. Wherever we go, the memories will stay with us. So, that's why I don't wanna go back.

I'm giving you bonus this week. it's Miley Cyrus music video - Who Owns My Heart. I love it, but basically I like Can't be Tamed more. Can't be Tamed has a complete concept for a music video. But, in here, I don't see it. But she's still awesome. I love her expression in every music videos she has.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adore Anne Hathaway !

I adore Anna Hathaway so much. Especially when she's on the red carpet. She never chooses wrong dress I think. Also I like her acting in Princess Diaries, Devil Wears Prada, Get Smart, Ella Enchanted, and Alice in Wonderland. She's an amazing actress and I believe she'll have a very good career in Hollywood.

See? She's amazing the way she is. One of my favorite actress of all time.

My playlist

My music playlist this week :
  1. A year without rain - Selena Gomez
  2. Billionaire - Glee cast
  3. Common denominator - Justin Bieber
  4. Gonna get this - Miley Cyrus feat Iyaz
  5. Wouldn't change a thing - Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato
  6. Introducing me - Nick Jonas
  7. Baby one more time - Glee Cast
  8. U smile - Justin Bieber
  9. Speak now - Taylor Swift
  10. Mine - Taylor Swift

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perjalanan belajar bisnis (2006-2010)

Postingan ini saya posting di kaskus untuk sharing sesama kaskuser

Saya sudah berkenalan dengan dunia internet sejak 4 tahun lalu, waktu masih kelas 3 SMP. Tapi waktu itu internet hanya untuk sekedar nyari tugas atau buka friendster (pas belum jamannya Facebook). Waktu SMA kelas 1, baru tau tentang blog, akhirnya nyoba2 buat blog tapi ga keurus. Setelah itu, gara-gara sering browsing di internet jadi tau kalo di internet bisa mendatangkan uang dengan Google Adsense. Diiming-imingi iklan di internet yang katanya Google Adsense tinggal pasang iklan dapat uang banyak akhirnya saya mencoba. Ternyata, nggak semudah itu bermain Google Adsense. Kita juga harus ngerti HTML, tips dan trik supaya traffik meningkat, keywords, dan penempatan iklan yang sesuai. Singkatnya, saya jadi malas untuk melanjutkan Google Adsense ini. Google Adsense saya kurang menghasilkan, jadi saya merasa ini bukan bidang saya.

Pada Juli 2009, saya mencoba untuk berjualan online via ebay. Pertamanya saya tau tentang ebay dari blog seseorang yang bilang kalo dia dapat uang banyak dari ebay. Akhirnya saya memberanikan diri untuk mendaftar di eBay dan Paypal. Bisa dibilang, mendaftar di Paypal ini penuh resiko, karena harus memakai kartu kredit orang tua, di mana kartu kredit itu sangat mudah dibobol oleh hacker dan orang tua masih tidak percaya tentang jual beli via internet.

Akhirnya, Account Paypal saya jadi. Saya mulai mencoba berjualan di ebay. Dan ternyata entah karena keberuntungan atau apa barang dagangan saya laku lumayan banyak. Keuntungannya lumayan lah, meskipun belum bisa untuk biaya hidup sehari-hari, tapi dari hasil jualan di ebay selama beberapa bulan akhirnya bisa beli Blackberry Javelin.

Di September 2009, saya baru mengenal kaskus. Agak telat memang. Sebenarnya daridulu saya sudah tau tentang kaskus, cuma pada saat itu memang tidak ada keinginan untuk bergabung. Baru setelah teman saya memberi tahu kalau di kaskus merupakan forum jual beli terbesar di Indonesia akhirnya saya ikut-ikutan join. Pertama saya cuma jualan barang bekas seperti cartridge printer di kaskus. Ternyata laku juga. Setelah itu jualan novel-novel bekas ternyata juga laku. Akhirnya saya berani untuk membuka lapak yang benar-benar jualan, yaitu jasa order ebay dan ternyata cukup laku.

Di sekitar Februari-April 2009, saya menghentikan jasa ebay saya. Alasannya karena waktu itu mau Ujian Nasional. Saya takut nggak bisa fokus belajar. Meskipun jasa ebay di kaskus berhenti, tapi saya sesekali tetap berjualan di ebay. Akhirnya setelah UNAS selesai, saya kembali aktif berjualan di ebay, sambil baca-baca tips ebay dari para kaskuser lainnya. Dari sini saya mulai mencoba serius di ebay.

Pada Juni 2009, saya mencoba membuka online tees store, Dynasty TEES. Meskipun sistem pre-order, tapi saya coba untuk menjalaninya dengan serius. Sebelumnya saya juga telah meriset dulu mengenai vendor mana yang bisa dipercaya, bagaimana membuat sistem pre-order yang baik, dan lain-lain. Ternyata, hasilnya juga cukup memuaskan. meskipun sekarang masih ada stok kaos yang tersisa, tapi bisa dibilang jualan saya lumayan laku. Untungnya nggak terlalu banyak, tapi di sini saya bisa lebih berlatih membangun bisnis yang sebenarnya.

Pada September 2009, akhirnya saya membuka jasa ebay lagi. Kenapa? Karena saya melihat peluang di sini. Banyak orang Indonesia yang ingin beli barang di luar negeri tapi kesulitan order dan sebagainya. Akhirnya saya buka lagi jasa ebay dengan lebih terperinci dan terstruktur. Hasilnya sekarang baru ada 6 orang yang pakai jasa saya, tapi menurut saya ini lumayan untuk sebuah awal.

Terhitung dari sekarang, berarti ada 3 bisnis yang saya jalankan. Jasa ebay, jualan di ebay, dan Dynasty TEES. Memang, kalo saat ini untungnya nggak seberapa, masih belum bisa buat beli macam-macam. Jadi uangnya saya tabung dulu untuk membuat sesuatu yang lebih besar, meskipun saya sendiri juga masih bingung caranya. Tapi paling nggak dari pengalaman jual beli di internet ini banyak yang bisa dipelajari seperti ilmu bisnis, marketing, riset pasar, dan ilmu tentang internet sendiri. Memang nggak selamanya saya untung, bahkan saya barusan ini mengalami kerugian yang bisa dibilang cukup besar karena barang ternyata tidak sampai di tempatnya, mungkin karena pos atau hal lainnya. Tapi, ya memang ini namanya jualan. Harus siap untung dan rugi. Beda sama jadi pegawai, gajinya udah pasti tiap bulan ada. Tapi di sini banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya dapat. Saya belajar kalau nyari uang ternyata susah. Jadi saya sekarang lebih menghargai uang. Nggak seenaknya boros dan belanja-belanja barang-barang yang nggak perlu.

Singkatnya, nggak ada yang nggak mungkin kalo kita memang mau berusaha dan kerja keras. Sekarang saya sedang kuliah jurusan arsitektur semester 1. Tapi, saya juga tertarik di bidang bisnis online ini. Kalau misalkan bisa sukses di usia muda, kenapa nggak? Thanks to kaskus dan para kaskuser yang sudah sharing ilmu-ilmunya yang bermanfaat di sini. Semoga ke depannya kita bisa sama-sama maju.

It's all new episodes!

Do you know what's amazing on September besides my birthday? LOL.

It's all new episodes, starting from Vampire Diaries season 2, Gossip Girl season 4, Hannah Montana forever, and the last but not least, Glee season 2.

I love all these TV series. And it's so exciting to have them back. Enjoy some promotional photo shoots of these TV series!

Vampire Diaries!!! Do you know the tagline for season 2? It's The Year of Kathrine or something like that. Yes! Kathrine is back! She makes this new season amazing! I admire Nina Dobrev a lot! She's really a talented actress. Two different characters in the same film isn't easy to do. But she did it great! Also not to mention about Damon, who looks very good in this series. Love him!!! The story is more complicated in this season. There are more problems, more tragedy, and there will be werewolves here. This series is really different with Twilight. If I have to choose, I'll pick Vampire Diaries of course. I love Twilight too, but I'm really addicted to Vampire Diaries.

Glee!!! This phenomenal TV series is back! There will be new character. It's Charice, an amazing Philippines' singer. I can't wait for the Glee album. Anyway, I think they should sing more new pop songs, not classic 90s. And in the first episode, I think they did it great. The songs that I like are Empire State of Mind, Telephone, Billionaire. It was an amazing episode! And The Britney episode was great too!! That's what I meant when I said they should do pop songs more. I can feel the whole season 2 would be great!

Gossip Girl!!!  Paris!! So, what could be more exciting than combination of Gossip Girl and city of fashion, Paris?? Yeah I really can't wait for Gossip Girl. Especially for the handsome Nate Archibald, the Serena-Blair friendship-catfight, and also Chuck & Blair relationship.

Hannah Montana Forever. Not to mention how much I love Miley Cyrus, I've been waiting this season for a long time. Especially, this will be the last season of Hannah Montana. A part of me feels this is so sad, but another part of me thinks it would be great for Miley to step up to her next career. Not related to Disney anymore so she can be whoever she wanna be. I know she would be great and she always will.