Investment. Usually when we hear about it, we always think of money. It's called investing money. But actually there are still a lot of things that we can use it as investment. In fact, these are more important than investing your money.
Then what's that? It can be a lot of things, such health, knowledge, and attitude. Investing your health is important. Every people should have a healthy lifestyle. Don't work too much, but don't take rest too much too, eat healthy food, and do some sports. Remember that health is the most important thing in life, if you're sick, you can't do anything . It's so not good because when you're sick, you need other people to take care of you. It's okay sometimes but if it's too much you will disturb them.
The other investment is knowledge. It's not about what grade you have gotten, or what's your degree, but it's more about what you have learned so far. We don't learn only from books or literatures, we can learn from experience, other people, or even movies. Knowledge isn't all abot academic and achievement, it's about what you have gotten that can be useful for your life.
Attitude, by having a good attitude it will help us a lot. This one is the most difficult I think because no matter how hard we try, sometimes we make mistakes. We're human and that's what we do in life. Making mistakes. But I have a good quote from Miley cyrus, "a mistake is a mistake if we don't learn from it." This is so true, we may make mistakes, but we shouldn't do the same mistakes twice.
By writing these I don't mean that money isn't a good investment too. I know it's a good investment. And I want to share a little knowledge that I have learned about momey investment.
I think we all should make an investment from now, no matter what age we are. (I assumed people who's reading this is at age 14 or more). If you have some money, don't always try to spend it all, just try to save some to your bank account. It's the easiest step to make an investment. Buying things such gadget, shoes, clothes isn't investment. It's okay to buy it sometimes but don't drop your bank account into zero nominal.
The other thing I learned about investment is don't think that depositing money to a bank is a good investment because every year there's always inflation that makes all the prices go up. And by depositing your money, you let inflation eats your money. I think I can't explain it clearly but if you want to know more about it you can google why depositing money isn't always good. But I'm not saying that don't do depositing, it's okay if you want to deposit your money, because with another consideration, sometimes depositing money is a good way.
Invest your money to property or gold. This one is still a new thing for me. In fact I still need to learn a lot about this. Even if you have 4 houses that doesn't mean you make a good investment. And about investing in gold, You can also learn about it. I can't say anything about these because I don't want to make a wrong advice because I'm not an expert. There are a lot of books about investment in property or gold you can look for it at the bookstores. But if you want to know more about investment I recommend Robert Kiyosaki book. He's a good teacher and writer I think.
Ps by writing this doesn't mean I'm good enough to do what I've written. It's just a little knowledge that I want to share. There are a lot of smarter people and smarter books better than my posts.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Posting Pendapatan & Omset Usaha Kamu disini (form Kaskus)
Berawal dari thread di kaskus ini, jadinya pengen ngepost usaha sendiri nih...meski belum ada apa-apanya dibanding yang lain
Jenis usaha : Dynasty TEES (
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 tahun
Modal awal : sekitar 1,7 jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : ga mesti, karena dulu sistemnya preorder, sekarang udah mulai berani ready stok.. Sekarang omset perbulan sekitar 1 juta an
Omset pertahun : ga mesti juga, karena ga selalu aktif tiap bulannya
Rata-rata profit perbulan : 400.000
Usaha ini : saya sendiri, dibantu adik, mama
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : bikin desain harus bagus, promosi harus ke orang2 yang tepat
Jenis usaha : Dynasty Toys & Merchandise ( -> jual merchandise Hollywood movies & musics
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 bulan
Modal awal : sekitar 1,5 jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Omset pertahun : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Rata-rata profit perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Usaha ini : saya sendiri, dibantu adik, mama
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : pintar2 nyari momen yang pas aja, nyari barang dengan harga semurah2nya
Jenis usaha : Grette Collection ( -> jual asesoris cewek
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 bulan
Modal awal : sekitar 1jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Omset pertahun : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Rata-rata profit perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Usaha ini : saya sama temen
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : promosi, nyari2 barang2 murah, nyari trend juga
Suka duka :
suka :
- bisa nambahin penghasilan selagi kuliah
- bisa buat nyari pengalaman bisnis
- nambah relasi
- nambah kantong..hehe
- bisa belajar bisnis secara learning by doing
- jadi lebih ngerti finansial
duka :
- kadang diremehin sama orang laen, bahkan temen sendiri, kebanyakan temen kuliah udah mapan ortunya, udah punya usaha sendiri, jadi mereka ga pernah kepikiran susahnya nyari uang
- kerepotan bagi waktu
Jenis usaha : Dynasty TEES (
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 tahun
Modal awal : sekitar 1,7 jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : ga mesti, karena dulu sistemnya preorder, sekarang udah mulai berani ready stok.. Sekarang omset perbulan sekitar 1 juta an
Omset pertahun : ga mesti juga, karena ga selalu aktif tiap bulannya
Rata-rata profit perbulan : 400.000
Usaha ini : saya sendiri, dibantu adik, mama
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : bikin desain harus bagus, promosi harus ke orang2 yang tepat
Jenis usaha : Dynasty Toys & Merchandise ( -> jual merchandise Hollywood movies & musics
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 bulan
Modal awal : sekitar 1,5 jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Omset pertahun : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Rata-rata profit perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Usaha ini : saya sendiri, dibantu adik, mama
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : pintar2 nyari momen yang pas aja, nyari barang dengan harga semurah2nya
Jenis usaha : Grette Collection ( -> jual asesoris cewek
Sudah berjalan selama : 1 bulan
Modal awal : sekitar 1jt + koneksi internet unlimited + PC / laptop
Omset perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Omset pertahun : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Rata-rata profit perbulan : masih ga jelas karena masih baru
Usaha ini : saya sama temen
Jumlah staf : belum ada
Tantangan yang ada : promosi, nyari2 barang2 murah, nyari trend juga
Suka duka :
suka :
- bisa nambahin penghasilan selagi kuliah
- bisa buat nyari pengalaman bisnis
- nambah relasi
- nambah kantong..hehe
- bisa belajar bisnis secara learning by doing
- jadi lebih ngerti finansial
duka :
- kadang diremehin sama orang laen, bahkan temen sendiri, kebanyakan temen kuliah udah mapan ortunya, udah punya usaha sendiri, jadi mereka ga pernah kepikiran susahnya nyari uang
- kerepotan bagi waktu
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Review : Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
Who miss High School Musical series? I do of course. I'm a fan of High School Musical series, and I was super excited when I heard Disney will create this movie. Actually, it's not really about High School Musical because High School Musical was over. It's about the most memorable character in High School Musical, Sharpay Evans. Everyone who watched High School Musical must understand why I call her "memorable". She's like the mean girl, just like Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl, but only in Disney version. And now, Disney gave you an adventure with Sharpay in New York City, so for all High School Musical fans, you must watch this movie although you hate Sharpay. Okay???
The story is about Sharpay who wanted to reach her dream by going to New York City. She hoped she could be an amazing actress in Broadway. But actually it wasn't as easy as the way it sounded. Cheesy story of course, but I still love it. I don't want to tell all the stories because it will make you bored when you watch the movie, I just wanted to say I enjoyed this movie. If in High School Musical Series it was all about Troy and Gabriella, now it's time for Sharpay to shine. She had her dream and she was on her way to reach it. Of course, Sharpay is Sharpay. She couldn't leave the "fabulous" word and pink stuff. So, there would be a lot of pink when you watch this movie.
I actually hope there will be all High School Musical cast becoming cameo, but actuallly it's only Ryan Evans. I reallly want to see the cast get reunited but I think it's so hard to reunite them now, because everyone is busy doing their own movie, promoting stuff, and something. I think it's okay because everyone has their own way, so if they can't be together again I totally understand. However, because this movie is the end of High School Musical series, you should watch it. It's fun, fabulous, and it's New York baby!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Terlalu rumit kalau dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi bahasa Indonesia aja ya...
Diversifikasi. Dari dulu pas SMP sebenernya sudah tau kata-kata ini, cuma sering lupa artinya. Mengutip dari sini, diversifikasi sama maksudnya dengan jangan taruh telur-telur dalam satu keranjang. Kenapa? Kalau keranjang itu jatuh, semua telur akan pecah. tapi kalau menaruh telur-telur ke beberapa keranjang, kalau 1 keranjang jatuh paling nggak masih ada telur yang lain.
Kalau dari wikipedia, arti diversifikasi ekonomi adalah usaha penganekaragaman product (bidang usaha) atau lokasi perusahaan yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan sehingga arus kas perusahaan dapat lebih stabil, ini dilakukan perusahaan untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi, sehingga apabila suatu perusahaan mengalami kemerosotan pendapatan di salah satu product atau negara/daerah, di product atau negara/daerah lain mendapatkan kelebihan pendapatan, sehingga kekurangan yang terjadi bisa tertutupi. Biasanya hal ini dilakukan oleh perusahan besar Multi Nasional Coorporation (MNC) karena dengan demikian perusahaan dapat menjamin pendapatan / arus kas yang lebih stabil sehingga meningkatkan trust kepada pemegang saham.
Kurang lebih begitulah maksudnya diversifikasi. Diversifikasi memang banyak dipakai di bidang bisnis. Manfaat diversifikasi ini jelas seperti perumpamaan telur-telur itu. Masalahnya sekarang, banyak ahli-ahli bisnis yang bilang kalau diversifikasi bukanlah hal yang terbaik. Saya masih awam sekali di bidang bisnis, jadi kayaknya terlalu jauh kalau belajar ilmu-ilmu ekonomi macam ini. Tapi paling nggak sih nggak ada salahnya untuk sekedar tahu. Saya pribadi banyak mempraktekkan cara diversifikasi ini. Untuk lebih jelasnya saja, berikut ini usaha-usaha yang sedang saya kerjakan :
- Dynasty TEES (jual T-shirt online)
- Jasa eBay (jual jasa pembelian di
- Jualan di eBay
- New project (masih dimatangkan dulu..hihihi....)
Kalau dulu, penghasilan utama saya dari jualan di eBay, tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi. Kenapa? Karena saya memutuskan untuk perlahan-lahan mundur dari eBay. Alasannya, karena barang jualan yang saya jual sudah tidak selaris dulu, eBay sekarang peraturannya lebih ketat daripada dulu terutama untuk seller Indonesia, dan saya melihat kalau jualan lewat ebay saja ini belum bisa menjadi jaminan. Kalau memang untung ya untung lumayan besar, tapi kalau rugi juga bisa sampai rugi besar. Selain itu, kalau cuma jualan di ebay ini saja, saya akhirnya kurang bisa berkembang. Bagaimana jika suatu saat eBay ditutup? Bagaimana jika eBay sudah tidak bisa ke Indonesia? Ini cuma contohnya saja, saya tidak yakin eBay akan pernah bangkrut. Intinya, di eBay saya kurang bisa berkembang. Akhirnya, saya memutuskan untuk mundur teratur dari eBay.
Sekarang, saya lebih fokus ke Dynasty TEES. Ini adalah sebuah toko online yang menjual T-SHIRT. Area mencakup seluruh Indonesia. T-SHIRT yang dijual masih memakai sistem preorder. T-SHIRTnya juga bukan merk sendiri, tapi seperti membuat T-SHIRT artis-artis,musisi,atau film-film. Untungnya tidak terlalu banyak, tapi prospeknya lumayan. Bisa dikembangkan ke tahap selanjutnya, seperti membuat merk sendiri, atau bahkan memproduksi T-SHIRT sendiri. hehehe... Yang jelas, untuk jualan T-SHIRT ini potensi berkembangnya besar kalau menurut saya.
Untuk yang jasa order pembelian barang di eBay ini sebenarnya cuma buat sampingan aja. Jadi, bukan sesuatu yang saya ingin jadikan penghasilan utama. Tapi, bukan berarti dijalani dengan asal-asalan. Tiap ada buyer, tetap saya usahakan serius menangani. Untuk yang new project, ini masih dalam tahap maju-mundur :P. Jadi belum tentu bisa jalan juga. Sekarang lagi dimatangkan dulu persiapannya karena emang butuh modal dan keberanian yang cukup besar untuk ukuran saya.
Sekarang, yang jadi masalah, kadang diversifikasi ini malah bisa membuat saya tidak fokus. Sebentar-sebentar ingin serius eBay, sebentar kemudian ingin serius di T-SHIRT. Kalau untuk sekarang sih, semuanya masih bisa berjalan lancar karena memang bekerja bukan menjadi tanggungan utama saya untuk saat ini. tapi untuk 2 tahun ke depan saya nggak yakin. Terlebih, sekarang ijasah kuliah juga bukan jaminan untuk sukses. Argghhhh..... Jadi bingung kan kalau kayak gini..... Any solutions?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Blair Waldorf Philosophy
I have mentioned a hundred times in this blog that I love watching Gossip Girl. One of the characters in Gossip Girl named Blair Waldorf, played by Leighton Meester. I love Blair Waldorf's character. It's a very powerful character and Leighton Meester is very good in playing it.
First time, I watched Gossip Girl and I thought this Blair Waldorf character is very mean. Blair is like the it girl in school. Popular, rich, and the Queen B. She is the kind of people who treat another people easily, have no respect to other people who don't know about fashion, and very very mean. But, actually, she's more than that. She can be the Devil if you only look from the outside. But if you study her, actually she's a wonderful person. Of course she's a mean character, but I find that she's a loyal best friend that will do anything she could to protect her best friend. Maybe she's so mean to other people, but to Serena, her best friend, she's very concerned and the best of the best best friend in the world. Every people that have a best friend like Blair Waldorf must be very lucky. She's not naive, she might be a competitive person, but when you hurt her best friend, she will hurt you back more than anything you could imagine.
Also, Blair Waldorf is a very smart women. She's an ambitious person. She'll do anything to get what she wants. She has the most powerful energy when she wants something and she doesn't quit easily. I know some of her ways to get what she wants might be wrong, but I appreciate her hard work. She's so strong and I admire her character. She's not only good in fashion sense, but also very great in being an independent woman. Sometimes she's out of control, but that's because she really wants something so badly. She doesn't give up, she always has a million ways to do it her way. And that's what makes her special.
When it comes to love, she falls for Chuck Bass. Chuck Bass isn't really a good man I think. He has slept with million if women, but the truth is, the only woman that he loves is Blair Waldorf. Chuck and Blair is the most beautiful couple in Gossip Girl. But unfortunately, they are too selfish to admit it. Then when finally they admit it, they still have some problems because of their own attitudes. They don't want to give in. They're both ambitious and actually when they're alone they're strong, but when they're together, they will be the strongest. Too bad they don't want to admit that they always have the same feeling for each others.
Last words,
Long live Blair Waldorf!
![]() |
Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl |
Also, Blair Waldorf is a very smart women. She's an ambitious person. She'll do anything to get what she wants. She has the most powerful energy when she wants something and she doesn't quit easily. I know some of her ways to get what she wants might be wrong, but I appreciate her hard work. She's so strong and I admire her character. She's not only good in fashion sense, but also very great in being an independent woman. Sometimes she's out of control, but that's because she really wants something so badly. She doesn't give up, she always has a million ways to do it her way. And that's what makes her special.
Blair and Chuck |
Last words,
Long live Blair Waldorf!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Holiday Mode ON and some movie reviews
Haven't blogged for a while. No, I'm not busy I'm just to lazy to write. Next week, university is coming and ARGHHHH I still want holiday. I need to graduate from university soon!! Anyway I just watched these movies during holiday and here it is some short reviews.
127 Hours should be an amazing movie, I know this movie is nominated for Oscars for some categories. Actually this is a very good movie, but for some people this could be boring because it's just like a one man show (James Franco). I like this movie, but not a lot because sometimes I feel bored watching it. I think the screenplay isn't the best one but this movie has a good cinematography.
Mean girls 2. First I watched the trailer then I thought, "I won't like this movie." I love mean girls 1, it was a good movie. But then they made Mean Girls 2 with a lot of Disney actresses there. I was interested but the trailer disappoints me. Actually, the movie was good too. I enjoyed it. It's not like what I expected. It has the same theme with Mean Girls, but using a different casts and situation. I loved it!!!
16 Wishes is a Disney Channel original movie starring Debby Ryan, the one who played Bailey on Suite Life on Deck. Because I love chessy movies, I also enjoyed this movie. It's just like another teen drama movies but I'll always love this kind of movie. It brings so much fun. It's like a guilty pleasure. 16 Wishes was enjoyable, watch it if you have spare time.
The Tourist. When so many movie critics don't like The Tourist, I loved it!!! It was an awesome movie. I mean, who doesn't love Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp in a movie? They both did a great job in this movie, making this movie enjoyable. I know maybe this movie wasn't what other people expect, but it's still a great movie. Simple story, but Angie and Depp had a good chemistry here. Also, the view of Venice which made me want to go there. It's so beautiful. With a good cinematography, it looks 100 times more beautiful in this movie I guessed.
Easy A. Apparently, I didn't like this movie. I thought Easy A would be a great comedy movie, but I watched it and I thought this movie is too over the top. I didn't like the story either. Sorry, A. It had a good cast, but I'm just not that into this movie.
Knight and Day. I love Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise, but I guess this movie was too simple. They didn't have something new in a movie. It's just another movie that people will forget I think. I thought this movie was more like Ethan (Mission Impossible) side job. Sorry.
Love and The Other Drugs. I bought this movie because of Anne Hathaway. Yes, I adore her so much. She's a young lovely independent woman. And I loved this movie, not a lot, but I still like this movie. But, actually this movie had a lot of s*x scenes. Advice : Don't watch this movie with children! Also Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal really had a great chemistry in this movie. This movie was entertaining, fun, but not so chessy. It was great!
Upsss, I still have a lot of DVDs to watch....
127 Hours should be an amazing movie, I know this movie is nominated for Oscars for some categories. Actually this is a very good movie, but for some people this could be boring because it's just like a one man show (James Franco). I like this movie, but not a lot because sometimes I feel bored watching it. I think the screenplay isn't the best one but this movie has a good cinematography.
Mean girls 2. First I watched the trailer then I thought, "I won't like this movie." I love mean girls 1, it was a good movie. But then they made Mean Girls 2 with a lot of Disney actresses there. I was interested but the trailer disappoints me. Actually, the movie was good too. I enjoyed it. It's not like what I expected. It has the same theme with Mean Girls, but using a different casts and situation. I loved it!!!
16 Wishes is a Disney Channel original movie starring Debby Ryan, the one who played Bailey on Suite Life on Deck. Because I love chessy movies, I also enjoyed this movie. It's just like another teen drama movies but I'll always love this kind of movie. It brings so much fun. It's like a guilty pleasure. 16 Wishes was enjoyable, watch it if you have spare time.
The Tourist. When so many movie critics don't like The Tourist, I loved it!!! It was an awesome movie. I mean, who doesn't love Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp in a movie? They both did a great job in this movie, making this movie enjoyable. I know maybe this movie wasn't what other people expect, but it's still a great movie. Simple story, but Angie and Depp had a good chemistry here. Also, the view of Venice which made me want to go there. It's so beautiful. With a good cinematography, it looks 100 times more beautiful in this movie I guessed.
Easy A. Apparently, I didn't like this movie. I thought Easy A would be a great comedy movie, but I watched it and I thought this movie is too over the top. I didn't like the story either. Sorry, A. It had a good cast, but I'm just not that into this movie.
Knight and Day. I love Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise, but I guess this movie was too simple. They didn't have something new in a movie. It's just another movie that people will forget I think. I thought this movie was more like Ethan (Mission Impossible) side job. Sorry.
Love and The Other Drugs. I bought this movie because of Anne Hathaway. Yes, I adore her so much. She's a young lovely independent woman. And I loved this movie, not a lot, but I still like this movie. But, actually this movie had a lot of s*x scenes. Advice : Don't watch this movie with children! Also Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal really had a great chemistry in this movie. This movie was entertaining, fun, but not so chessy. It was great!
Upsss, I still have a lot of DVDs to watch....
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Another "The Social Network" Greatness
Another great idea from The Social Network movie. This could be a cool business card. So, all graphic designers, don't wanna try to make this one?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Review : The Social Network
The Social Network was a very brilliant movie. Maybe it's not the movie, but the movie script that made it brilliant. All the dialogs are so genius. Maybe some people will think that this movie is boring and so full of conversation. But I think this movie was impressing. This movie taught a lot of things, especially if you want to be a businessman or entrepreneur. There will be a lot of things that you will face, that can make your life screws up. But let's face it, the inventor of Facebook, Mark, is one of the richest person in the world and he's still 26. With his success Facebook, I'm sure there are a lot of things that he has been going through. In this movie, I could see that this Facebook that he made ruins his friendship and life. As the time goes, Facebook is getting bigger and bigger and it becomes more complicated. Not only the feature that we can get on Facebook, but also Mark's life. However, it's just a movie based on a novel that Mark didn't write himself, so we don't know if the story is exactly like that or not. But if I were Mark, I would feel a little bit offended because this movie showed that Mark a little bit looked like a jerk. However, I think this movie should win an Oscar at least. And Andrew Garfield, the one who played as Eduardo, I guess he deserves an Oscar too for his role here.
One memorable quote from The Social Network :
You are probably going to be a very successful computer person. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.
Erica Albright
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Been watching these
Been watching this during this holiday
And I love this series. Not a big fan, but I admire so much for those people who created LOST. It's the most complicated TV series I've ever watched. The story, the characters, and the ideas were genius. I can't think enough how can someone made a series that is so complicated but still good to watch. This series is like they have prepared everything from the season one, so that everything that happened could make sense. If there's a word I need to say about this series, it would be BRILLIANT.
Also watching this :
This is a very funny show!!! When I forget how to laugh, I watch this!! Disney series has the best comedy shows, always. But it's kinda sad watching this and it reminds me about what happened to Demi Lovato which I still didn't get the real story. She's really a talented girl and I hope she's doing fine now.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy New Year 2011. It's already 2011. Hope everyone has wonderful holiday. Mine is just ordinary, didn't go anywhere, just went around this town but I pretty enjoyed it.
However, so many things come in my mind, so I guess 2011 will be a busy time for me. I don't want to waste my time doing nothing. So, I start myself to read some entrepreneur books and think a lot about it. Yes, I want to start doing before I finish university. So, I have to use my time wisely.
Anyway, I've watched some interesting movies lately. Guliver's Travel was funny, good family movie. Narnia was impressive too. Then I got some horror like The Last Exorcism, which I thought it wasn't that good but still okay for a horror / thriller movie. I really want to watch The Social Network, but I couldn't find it anywhere. A lot of movie critics say it is brilliant plus it has Justin Timberlake on it so I gotta watch that.
That's all I think. Kinda stuck on writing right now. GTG.
However, so many things come in my mind, so I guess 2011 will be a busy time for me. I don't want to waste my time doing nothing. So, I start myself to read some entrepreneur books and think a lot about it. Yes, I want to start doing before I finish university. So, I have to use my time wisely.
Anyway, I've watched some interesting movies lately. Guliver's Travel was funny, good family movie. Narnia was impressive too. Then I got some horror like The Last Exorcism, which I thought it wasn't that good but still okay for a horror / thriller movie. I really want to watch The Social Network, but I couldn't find it anywhere. A lot of movie critics say it is brilliant plus it has Justin Timberlake on it so I gotta watch that.
That's all I think. Kinda stuck on writing right now. GTG.
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